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Nagoya Universtiy
WebCMJ : Japanese Kanji Online Learning
Welcome to CMJ Kanji Online! [go to ]
This CAI Progarm is designed to help you practice and review basic Japanese kanji. It covers 300 kanji taught in elementary Japanese.
If you wish to work on a particular lesson immediately, then click...
<<< A guide for the first-time users of this program is here.
Last Updated on November 16, 2005.

The Program (WebCMJ (kanji version)) is based on A Course in Modern Japanese (CMJ) [Revised Edition], (Nagoya University Japanese Language Education Research Group, University of Nagoya Press, 2002).
This is a kanji version of WebCMJ (grammar version), made anew to go along with the revised version of CMJ textbooks.

If, while working with the program, you have any questions concerning kanji, please refer to the kanji practice in the textbooks.
Volume 1 covers lessons 1 to 10 and Volume 2, lessons 11 to 20.

This program has been produced by the following team of people:
  • Team Coordinators: Kyoko Murakami, Toshiko Kanda, Toshiko Ishizaki and kouki Sato
  • Programmed by Hiroshi Nishikawa (NISHIKAWA SYSTEM)
  • Designed by Liu Pai-ling
  • Questions prepared by Yuka Soorin and Sumie Yasui
  • with the help of Lee Seonhee
Copyright (c) 2005, Nagoya University ECIS
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Japanese, practice, drill, exercise, nihongo, learning tool, CAI, CALL, 日本語教育, 日本語教材